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You need a high level of support to organise your wedding, to be followed through this delicate adventure to find the best service providers and make the most of your preparations and your D-Day. We’ll be at your side with our unique know-how to help you make the best choices and personalise this unique moment. We’ll simplify every step for you with our consistent working methods to create your unique wedding, perfectly coordinated and in your image.



Administration: quotes, contracts, etc.

Annual & D-Day planning: definition of tasks to be carried out, management of D-Day and annual schedules

Budget & Finance: allocation and distribution of expenses, financial monitoring, management of deadlines, etc.


Proposal, Administrative & Financial Follow-up, Logistics Briefing & Management of the 7 Essential Service Providers (Reception Venues, Caterer, Designer, Hairdresser & Make Up, DJ, Photo, Video)

Logistical visits to the wedding reception venue(s)

Logistical management of service providers: set-up, assembly and dismantling of reception areas

Other optional service providers


Creation of an Inspiration Board (Moodbard): Creation of a universe, atmosphere & scenography (stationery, ceremony areas, dinner, etc.).

Composition & Management of the artistic team: Floral Designer

Making the project a reality: proposing the artistic concept (flowers, crockery, tablecloths, etc.)

Proposed layouts for reception areas: 2D plans (ceremony, cocktail reception, dinner)


Reception and management of service providers, welcoming guests, accompanying the bride and groom for


D-Day watch and/or optional brunch



1 Project Manager

1 Coordinator for 40 people


Provence, France

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